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Why is Resilience Important?

3.  Mastering Setbacks (Recovering after a Disappointment, Shock, Crisis)

This is what is commonly described as 'bouncing back'; it's when our resilience gets put to the test by extreme circumstances. It's important to note that resilience is not about being 'tough' at all costs; it's about being able to accept your feelings, give yourself time and look after yourself in difficult situations. It also involves knowing when and who to ask for support. Resilient people know that asking for help or support is not a sign of weakness.

4.  Making Sense of Life (Giving our Lives Meaning)

Even when the above three categories seem to be working well, people are frequently left with a nagging sense of something being missing. In an increasingly complex world it's hard to hold on to our sense of who we are and what really matters to us. A fourth use of resilience is about clarifying our values, our vision and deciding what action is necessary to make this a reality. Resilient people know what is important to them; they invest their time and energy accordingly.